Monday, 20 August 2012

The best day yet!

Today must rank as one of my best Kruger days ever!  I hardly ever get to see any feline predators like lions and leopards but today that changed.

I was moving on from Shingwedzi to the my next camp at Tsendze when I saw a shape out of the corner of my eye.  Cat!  Cat!  I slammed on brakes, grabbed my camera, put my pillow on the window and hit reverse- all the while hoping that the cat, whatever it was would still be there...  And there was my leopard. Cool!  Its fresh, meaning I saw it first!!  I get into position...

And the leopard sits down.  Doesn't walk away, hide behind a thick dense bush, no, it sits down.  And still thinking this is great, out pops a cub!  Was I stoked!  First time ever for me!  Camera is clicking, I'm smiling ear to ear.  Then they get up and move off but still in a shootable position.  After about 10 minutes the mother gets up and walks off.  And I thought that would the last I see of her...  Wrong!

I caught a glimpse of movement to the front of me and realized she had climbed a tree... wait for it...  to get her kill she had stashed...

Let's get this straight!  A leopard (rare), a cub (very very rare), a kill (rare)...  All three together, and shootable to boot- I can't even hazard a guess.

Fantastic day!

But it doesnt end there.   A km down the road was a lioness!  Not good for pics but still!  Can the day get any better.

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